Monday, 22 June 2015

Uversity is currently seeking applications from qualified, creative and innovative communications specialists to join its evolving team



Uversity is currently seeking applications from qualified, creative and innovative communications specialists to join its evolving team.  Reporting to Uversity’s Chief Executive Officer, the successful candidate will play a pivotal role in developing Uversity’s profile, its communities and future.


Uversity is a Recognised College of the National University of Ireland, a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee.  Uversity recruits and admits international students for its flagship personalised programme, a Master of Arts in Creative Process.  Uversity puts students in control of their education within a learning framework that promotes individuality and creative difference.

Modules are offered in Art, Design, Drama, Dance, Music, Literature, Culture, Creative Writing, Creative Technologies and Cinema and Broadcast Arts. Each student is assigned a personal mentor, attends modules in host institutions on the island of Ireland, spends time engaged with practice and interacting with Ireland’s artistic and cultural community and completes a final project.  Further information is available at

Principal Duties and Responsibilities

As Uversity is a new and emerging entity, the following duties and responsibilities are indicative and will evolve with Uversity
·      manage, evaluate and enhance Uversity’s day-to-day communication and student recruitment strategies
·      specify and project manage Uversity’s collateral, media relations and events
·      develop and maintain Uversity’s website and other digital / social media channels as interactive communication, recruitment, and thought-leadership channels
·      provide reports and updates on Uversity students and activities
·      cultivate and maintain relationships with key stakeholders (e.g. students, alumni, media, partner institutions, potential applicants, arts / cultural organisations)
·      develop and implement a contacts & document management and email communication system for Uversity
·      identify and maximise public and media relations and publicity opportunities
·      be Uversity’s Data Protection Officer
·      advise on and maintain Uversity’s network, software and hardware requirements
·      file and diary management
·      general office administration
·      other duties as assigned by the Chief Executive Officer.

Experience and Knowledge

·      Post-graduate qualification in a relevant discipline (communications, marketing / digital marketing, arts / cultural management, or other allied area) preferably to Master’s level
·      Minimum three years’ experience in a communications or marketing/digital role
·      Experience in project, event & budget management with a proven track record of delivering on objectives, time and budget
·      A proven track record in developing compellingly effective digital content, media and / or marketing campaigns
·      Experience in representing an organisation to the public, stakeholders and media
·      Knowledge and understanding of higher education and or cultural / arts organisations
Skills and Special Aptitudes

·      Excellent written and verbal communication and presentation skills
·      Ability to write good content and facilitate online conversations
·      Excellent technical skills and familiarity to use / maintain a full suite of digital / social media tools & channels including Wordpress CMS
·      Attention to detail and strong organisational skills
·      Ability to work calmly, innovatively and effectively under pressure and within a small dynamic team
·      Excellent interpersonal and networking skills
·      A demonstrable interest in creativity and the arts
Application Process

To apply, please send a cover letter outlining your interest and suitability for the role and a CV to by Wednesday 8th July 2015.  Interviews will take place between 13th & 22nd July 2015.

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