Quotes on Creative Process 01

“There is a better way to do it, find it”
Thomas Edison

“There are no rules here, we are trying to accomplish something”
Thomas Edison

“I can never find the things that work best until I know the things that do not work”
Thomas Edison

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try one more time”
Thomas Edison

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, magic and power in it. Begin it now.”
“Do not wait for inspiration, act in the anticipation of its apparition”
Somerset Maugham
“Fortune favours the prepared mind”.
Louis Pasteur on Alexander Fleming’s discovery of Penicillin. 
Quotes from “The War of Art” by Stephen Pressfield.
“A vital gem.....A kick in the ass” Esquire
 “The professional dedicates him/herself to mastering technique not because they believe technique is a substitute for inspiration but because he/she wants to be in possession of the full arsenal of skills when inspiration does come. Stephen Pressfield.
“Research shows you are far less likely to persist with an externally motivated interest than with those that intrinsically motivate you – those things we do without any obvious rewards”.
“Much of what prevents us from learning as adults is our mindset. We think of any reasons that would prevent us from doing new things. We fear failure and how that might look to others”.
“People who believe their talents can be developed have a growth mindset. Research shows they attend to achieve more than those who’s mind-sets’ are fixed and believe their talents are innate gifts”.
Dr. Shane Bergen, UCD School of Education
“Do something silly every day” “Have fun, note what you are doing, get it wrong, reflect and try again”.                                                                             Patrick Molloy
“Innovation is a series of repetitive failures” Judah Folkman Oncologist
“Imagination is more important than knowledge” Albert Einstein

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